Your vision & the health of your eyes.
Our eyes are critical to the way we interact with the world. They are responsible for how we function, from seeing well enough to do our work, to the way we enjoy what’s going on around about us.
It’s important to have your eye examinations done regularly, for both adults and children, so we can keep you seeing well or spot any ocular problems as early a possible and therefore manage them in the most effective way.
We are always thorough in our eye examinations. That’s why our standard adult eye examination is 40 minutes long, longer than most other opticians, to allow us the time needed to do be as thorough as we always like to be. We embrace technology with our computerised test chart, retinal imaging and a corneal topographer that allows us to map your cornea. Our passion and excellence in clinical care, from the way we examine and investigate your eyes to they way we take the time to explain what’s going on and what’s best to do next, is why we have so many people recommend us to their friends and family.
Above: Example of our retinal imaging